Hey guys,
I typically don’t do this, but I came across an MJ article recently (that’s the part I typically DO do) and found something very interesting that I wanted to forward on to you. I’ve said this for years, and I don’t think most people believe it when they watch highlights, but MJ was NEVER the best all around athlete. There were players before and since who had higher verticals (Vince Carter), more explosiveness  (Dominique),  and more strength (Lebron).

However, what nobody could ever do was match two things that Jordan had. His competitive fire and his work ethic. Whatever he lacked, whatever other players did better than him, he made up for in pure heart and desire. He was constantly proving the doubters wrong. Whatever “they” said he couldn’t do, not only did he do, but he did above and beyond.

If someone tells you you can’t or won’t make the team, use it as motivation to work harder and smarter to not only make the team, but to be one of the better players on the team.

If someone tells you you’re not good in school and you’ll never go to college, use it as fire to study harder and seek the help you need to achieve what you want and prove your doubters wrong.

If there is something about your game that is weak, change it.

If there is something about your personality that you don’t like, work on it and improve it.

There are many things that I’ve had to change about ME over the years. A lot of it has taken very hard work in order to become a better me. I have many weaknesses as a human being, just like everyone does. Don’t be afraid to look in the mirror and change those things. Realize it won’t happen overnight, but have the patience to give yourself time to overhaul.

Believe it or not, MJ had to work on his jumping ability. Sure, a lot of it was natural, but you’re talking about the guy who wanted to dominate in EVERY aspect. So not only did he work on his weaknesses, but he worked on his strengths as well.

Check out this below. Want to jump like MJ? Here’s how….

Championship Training
Each day at 5:30 a.m., Grover pulled into MJ’s driveway, and the day’s journey commenced. Whether or not you perform your workouts during pre dawn hours, the explosive sequences below will improve your speed, explosion, jumping ability and mental edge—just as it did for MJ.
Perform one of the two sequences twice per week with at least two days of rest between workouts. Go through the sequences three times, resting 1-2 minutes between exercises and 2-3 minutes before the next sequence.
Sequence 1
Dumbbell Step-Up

  • Assume athletic stance holding dumbbells at sides
  • Step onto box or stable object and drive up until leg is fully extended
  • Drive opposite knee high
  • Slowly return to start position and repeat with opposite leg
  • Continue alternating for specified duration

Duration: 30 seconds
Split Jumps

  • Assume split stance with left foot in front
  • Lower into squat until front knee is bent 90 degrees
  • Explode straight up for maximum height
  • Land softly in start position and repeat for specified reps
  • Perform set with right leg forward

Reps: 15 each leg
Lying Glute Stretch

  • Lie on back and pull one knee to chest while keeping opposite leg straight
  • Hold for specified duration and repeat with opposite leg

Duration: 30 seconds each leg
Sequence 2

  • Assume athletic stance with bar on back and feet slightly wider than hip width
  • Keeping chest up, core tight and knees behind toes, lower into squat until tops of thighs are parallel to ground
  • Explosively drive up out of squat position
  • Repeat for specified duration

Duration: 30 seconds
Squat Jumps

  • Keeping chest up, lower into squat position until knees are bent at 90 degrees
  • Explode upward for maximum height and bring arms overhead
  • Land softly and repeat for specified reps

Reps: 15
Standing Quad Stretch

  • Stand on one leg and pull opposite heel to butt
  • Hold for specified duration; perform on opposite leg

Duration: 30 seconds each leg
