We have arrived at a point in the game of basketball where if you can’t shoot, you can’t play. Much to my dismay, even the biggest guys are out there shooting 3’s (somewhat) effectively. Would I prefer big guys to dominate down low over and over again? Sure, but we can’t always get what we want (right Mick?).

Steph has changed the game forever.

If you can shoot, excellent! If you can’t, well, we are here to help. Guards and wings, this is a no brainer. Shooting the ball effectively opens up your drive to the basket. Simply because your defender has to come out to guard you all the way out. This has always been, and always will be, the case. Bigs? When you shoot the ball effectively out to the 3, you now draw the opposing players big out to the 3. Why does that matter? Wellllllll it means that nobody is there to protect the paint. That’s where your drives and finishes come into play, for you and others. That is why, when you watch today’s NBA, the lane is seemingly wide open – because it is!

Have you noticed over the last 8 + years how players are able to get to the rim with such ease and with such little resistance? This is a by product of the “new game”. If you look at games from not even 10 years ago, there are often 10 guys under the 3 point line. There was much less space to get into the lane and work your magic (it’s one of the reasons the pull up mid range j was so effective, for so many players, for so many years).  Today, it looks and feels very crowded. That is because now, if you watch any NBA playoff game, what do you most often see? 4-5 offensive players outside the 3 point line. Defenders now have to guard them all the way out there (you have to guard Steph and Dame at halfcourt for crying out loud). Leaving what…. the paint often wiiiiiiiiiide open. So this is where we are in the current incarnation of basketball. It will change again, as all things do. But until it does, you best learn to shoot the ball my friend….

Look around at the shooters you see in these pictures. Some of the greatest shooters that have ever walked this very planet (and better than the MonStars, in my opinion, so that covers other planets too). None of them shoot the basketball exactly the same. They all have their own idiosyncrasies.


Every player you see here, and every good shooter you have ever, or will ever, see, has built their shooting on the same foundational building blocks. The recipe is all the same, even if the cake looks a tad different coming out of the oven. Still tastes delicious.

Those building blocks are exactly what the BT Basketball Shooting Camp will also be built on.

But Brian, you say, I learned all of those years ago. Well then why don’t you shoot the ball more consistently? No matter what you have learned, there is always room to learn more and everyone needs a tweak now and then. This is the tweak that you need. Players of different skill levels will be fed different layers of information in order to maximize each players experience.

Our goals are simple.

If you are younger, to teach you the foundational building blocks on how to effectively shoot the basketball so that you can build good habits that will stay with you for the remainder of your basketball career so that you will only need tweaks along the way (how’s that for a run on sentence English teachers).

If you are older, to not only tweak your shooting form to where it needs to be, but also to take it to an entirely new level by showing you how to shoot and consistently make highly difficult shots so that your idea of being open is vastly different than the average player (oh I think that one runs even more!).

When? June 24-26th – 10:00am-1:00pm

Where? Station Park Courts, Sparta

Investment into lifelong Hawkeye like shooting abilities? $125. That’s right – it’s only $125 to become a superhero

Who? Incoming 5th grade boys and girls up to current college players

Like some of the other Summer Camp Series camps, this will be limited players so we can focus on those that are serious, don’t delay!
