Calling all high school AND college players that are ready to take the leap to the next level. You are cordially invited to elevate your game at our exclusive summer camp. We are placing this early on in the summer for a very specific reason. We believe that the summer is the best time to improve your game. It’s in the summer where you can literally transform your body, your mind and your skill set. It is our goal to set you up with the building blocks that you need in order to accomplish your improvement goals. Like everything we do, this is NOT a roll the balls out event. Quite the contrary. This summer camp will be very specific and detail oriented.

***We have worked with the best local high school and college players over the last 2 decades. We know how to get you to where you want to be***

Here is just some of what we will be working on…

  • Positional skills. We will make sure that you are working on the skills that best suit YOUR game

    • Bigs will work on the proper footwork for the most effective post moves, how to position yourself best for rebounds and put backs, the proper use of the shot fake. And of course in today’s day and age, the ability to shoot the ball out to the 3 point line. And even more

    • Non bigs will focus on the most effective dribble moves, the ability to get your shot off faster, the ability to finish at the rim using both hands, both feet and lots of different angles. And much, much more

  • Game situations. One of the biggest issues I see in today’s game is the ability to THINK the game. We will go through many different scenarios for all players that will allow you to make the proper read, at the proper time. This will include but not be limited to….

    • Post entries (what type of pass and angle), post positioning, relocating after a post dump down, identifying when to drive and finish and when to drive and kick, how to be available for a drive and kick properly and effectively, how to properly evaluate and effectively use a pick and roll, how to set the most effective screen for a pick and roll, how to defend a pick and roll, how to most efficiently use your dribble, how to change your pace as a primary ballhandler, how to set and use weak side screens, how to properly move without the ball, how to use your triple threat effectively, how to never get the ball stolen from you or feel flustered from pressure, how to be a one person press break. Oh, and much more…

  • Gameplay

    • Each day will wrap up with scrimmaging so you can immediately implement what you are learning. The best recipe for success on the court is to practice the right things and then to play the right way.

Our ultimate goal is to override your current bad habits, encourage you to solidify your good ones, and help you create brand new habits that will effectively stick with you for the remainder of your playing days. This will be the camp to change how you look at your own game, and how you look at the game overall. Most importantly, it will let you know what YOU need to do in order to get your game to where you see it eventually getting to. Nobody can do it alone. Let us help you.

Spots are very limited for this event. We want to be able to give everyone as much personal attention as possible, so I would highly recommend getting in right away.

Monday and Tuesday, July 1st and 2nd – Station Park courts in Sparta



Will consider 8th graders upon request!
